Friday, 24 March 2023

5 Surprising Facts About Locks

Locks can be surprisingly complicated. They serve many functions and play a role in numerous industries — from banking to retail to industrial settings; locks control our daily lives. As a result, it'd be easy to assume that locks are simple mechanisms — but they're much more than just mechanical pins and levers or padlocks that lock and unlock with a key. Read on, as here in this article, we'll enlist many surprising facts about locks.

1. The First Lock Was Invented by a Druid Priestess More Than 2,000 Years Ago

The Roman Empire started using locks in the 1st century A.D.. Still, it wasn't until around the year 200 A.D., when Emperor Marcus Aurelius (Lucius Verus) made it mandatory for all citizens to be able to open their doors with keys, that locks became widespread throughout the Roman empire — and even today there are many different types of locks available for use in homes, businesses, and stores (and even on bicycles!).

2. Locks Are Made From Steel

Steel is the most common material used for locks, which makes them so strong and durable. Steel has been around since the early 1800s and has seen many improvements. Modern technology has allowed steel to be stronger than ever before, which means that if you have a key that fits into a lock made of steel, it will probably work with your current key as well.


3. Locks Were a Symbol of Wealth in Ancient Egypt

Locks have been used for centuries to secure doors and gates. But did you know that ancient Egyptians used them to symbolize wealth?

According to an ancient Egyptian text, the Book of the Dead, locks were regarded as symbols of wealth. The deceased would be buried with their most valued possessions to ensure a safe passage into the afterlife.

In addition to having valuable items such as jewelry and gold, Egyptians also placed expensive perfumes inside their coffins to smell sweet when they awoke in the afterlife.

4. Locks Consist of Just 3 Components

Locks consist of just three components: the lock body, the tumbler, and the latch.

The lock body is what holds all of your components together in one place. It's usually made of metal or plastic but can be made from other materials like wood or glass. The shape and size of your lock are determined by how much space you have available for it in your door and how often you want to change out its parts.

The tumbler is also known as a disc or wheel. It allows you to open your door with a key or combination code, but only when the correct key is inserted into the lock's mechanism (usually another piece).

Finally, the latch holds everything together and ensures all parts work together properly when you use your key or combination code to open your door.

5. Some Locks Use Wireless Technology

Some locks use radio signals to communicate with security systems, instead of mechanical keys. These are called "RFID" locks and are more popular because they are more secure than mechanical ones. RFID technology uses radio waves instead of mechanical keys, making copying or duplicating them harder. This makes it harder for thieves to steal your stuff after you're gone because they'll need to go through multiple locks.

A Bonus Tip

There is more than meets the eye when picking the right lock. It is critical to understand the various designs of locks and how they work to identify which factors are important and what you can rely on when choosing the best lock for your needs. You can always seek the expertise of a qualified locksmith in Alpharetta to guide you in selecting the best lock for your security requirements.